Sunday, February 25, 2007


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The need to be different from the stigma of overly paid bad actors and rappers. The ability to adapt to a sub culture and the ability to isolate yourself from the general population; this is exactly what this guy did not do. He has set himself away from the general population. He has no worries about being himself and letting go of what other people think. Too many times American culture has put a stigma across the nation to blend in and conform to what is expectable. Whether it’s doing everything in the fashion magazines or being a ‘Goth;’ way clothes, accessories and lifestyles conform to certain standards. This man has done the complete opposite. He has taken a life a tattoo’s and piercing to the ultimate extreme; a complete taboo.

To do something so taboo normally gets negative attention, but for the man in the picture it has spiked interest and even got him fame for his different look. The fame, in which he gained, was not from being a movie star, singer, or model, but for being himself and not caring what other people thing. Makes you think, huh? Why couldn’t every person learn from this man? It doesn’t mean that they should tattoo and pierce their face and body to the extreme but, to care about what they think about themselves and not what others want to think for them. So like this man, it all came down to letting loose and doing what he wanted with his body and his life, that has made him stand out to the American population; not conforming to society and the media.

1 comment:

@km said...

Wow your picture is crazy, I think I have seen it before so obviously he/she? is known lol. But you make a good point about standing out, and I agree because I notice it everywhere especially in highschool, the Gothics like you said. Someone dressed in black and netting clothing with piercings and long black hair with neon colored highlights will make me turn my head. In the past it has been hard sometimes to block out what people think about me not that I am out of the norm but people are judgemental so it gets to you I agree that you should not let what other people think about you bother you.