Sunday, February 25, 2007

Well, at least they lived a long life that didn't go un-noticed

I find it amazing that so many people find others’ life’s to be worth following. The primary example that really makes my point clear is the blog that I read. The blog was from a web site called city pages, under a section called ‘Corpus.’ In the blog, were more than a dozen people that had all died, but were still being remembered for what they had done in their lives.

These people were not just any people but, rather people that had helped contribute to American culture, technology, the movies, or even helped out when it came down to Civil Rights’ Movements. I read about people that had made costumes for movies and won, and people who had draw Archie comics. None the less, I read all of the individual stories on the blog with such ease that it made each and everyone very enjoyable.

While reading, I noticed that the stories of these peoples life’s was that the conventions were the things that made them all so easy to read. By every title of each “story,’ there was almost always a picture that could relate. For example, next to the story about Star Trek’s Abraham Lincoln character dying, there was picture of the actor. These pictures were nice since for some of the people, I had no idea who they were, so by having a picture I could see who they were writing about. If there wasn’t a picture right next to the titles, I could always use the Hyper-links provided through out the blog.

The Hyper-links were used very well throughout the blog. I also use pictures and hyperlinks too but, as far as hyper-links go, there was a lot more used in the blog I read. In just about every story there was no less than five hyper-links in each one. Everyone of these, was used to help support the story and helped me when I read something, didn’t know what it was, and needed to look it up. It was all right there.

Overall, I liked the blog that I read. I felt that while reading the blog, I could see why these people helped out in America. As I stated before, the people I read about helped with American culture, the entertainment business, technology, and Civil Rights movements. I also learned that while they contributed they also lived long lifes. This was a nice change overall to read about people who died and contributed, rather than stupid, celebrity relapses.

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