Thursday, February 1, 2007

Can You THINK for YOURSELF, or Do You Need the MEDIAto do it for YOU???

I don’t think, a day goes by that I where I’m not surrounded by people talking of favorite television shows, obscene commercials, something that the news stated from fact or even billboards or magazines. Now think about this for a second. These are all media-based elements that, in reality control our lives. We talk about them. Look up “clips” on the internet about them. Buy every magazine, every month. We even fear what we are about to hear on the news, but yet we can’t help but watch what new tragic, or horrific story the media has in store for us. The reason that I picked this YouTube video is because, I believe it is a perfect (or the most perfect) representation of the American Culture vs. The Media.

Before watching the video, many of us probably saw the opening scene. SEX. It was that glimpse of what was next to come in our video that made us want to watch it. Once again I prove my point; Americans cannot resist sex. In fact, when you really think about it, sex and the media go “hand in hand.” Based on many television shows, commercials, etc, the fact that sex sells starts the base of many media plots to become number one in American culture. Sad but true the news even uses this tactic. It seems like every time I turn on the news they are either determining the weather incorrectly, or building up to the big opening "Breaking News Story,” but it’s what gets them the highest ratings. Magazine companies are also great at doing these big, important head line grabbers.

Waiting in line at grocery store ( I’m sure we’ve all done it) there are always that pillar of magazines (just so conveniently placed) while you wait in the check out lane that you can’t help but glimpse at the cover, pick it up and begin “reading,” while you wait. But wait! You can’t even begin to read about the “great bedroom secrets,” until you have flipped through about twenty pages of adds for crap you don’t need. Smell like this. Buy this shirt; it looks good on the starving model, so it will on your Super sized American body. Drink this. Look this way and, BE SOMEBODY. How awful is this? It’s all these types of subliminal messages that we get bombarded constantly with. The YouTube video I picked demonstrates this very thing. The video is constantly flashing media based things, or advertisements that we buy into everyday.

Everyday we buy into these types of things which, brings me to a key point in my piece: Why couldn’t we just watch this video clip on TV or read something like it in a magazine or newspaper? The fact of the matter is, its this type of truth, that the media never wants exposed to the entire nation in such a public way. The fact that I watched this video online and not any of those other types of ways makes it, in a way, secretive. I know that the internet is a public place as well, but it’s the fact that I had to type specifically what I wanted to see on a site where people can create and upload their own “media,” was it possible. I would never have scene this on the opening web page for MSN. It took effort to be exposed to what every one of us has always known when it came to the medias efforts. So the next time you watch, read, or even buy something, think about how much of your time was spent thinking about it, and how much of the time was the media thinking for you.


Analisa said...

I agree with the youtube clip and your comments on the media’s influence in our lives. I think it’s really sad that most children spend more time watching television then playing outside or playing with their parents. Television and the internet completely changed our culture and the futures of many children. Who knows what is going to become of them as they grow up only knowing how to communicate through instant messenger or with a cell phone. I can’t even imagine how I lived life without a cell phone. It’s crazy how much technology has changed our lives without us even knowing it. It’s like the corporations have changed them for us to make more money. I know I kind of went on a tangent there… but I just thought I would let you know I agree with you.

Jonathan Tran said...

I like your take on how media influences everybody. However I'm not sure if I agree that it is a bad thing. I think it is just the social flow of how things and people will grow up and learn for themselves through the small guide of media.
It is true that some media covers up some of the truths that lead people to ignorance. Personally I think that it is necessary to keep everything under control.
I don't know if I think for my self or the media thinks for me. Probably since I don't know I guess the media thinks for me.

I like your writing style it is very powerful and persuasive. You make some strong points and could very well influence people, just like the media.

Nga Le said...

I agree! I believe the Media plays a great role in influencing of lives especailly young children. It is scary how easily children can be influence. In todays world, more and more young girls are having eating disorders and it is because the media 'told' them that pretty or beautiful means being skinny. I find this extremely sad especially when one of my little cousin start starving herself because she think she not pretty eventhough she is at an average weight for her age and height. Violent and sexual entertainment such as TV, video games, and internet are also changing our childrens life. Children are learning ways on how to be violent and they are sexually experimenting at an earlier age than ever before. Altough the media can have a negative impact in todays society, we need it because it allows communication. In addition, it is our mainstream of entertainment; a huge percentage of our money are spent towards entertainment. So I guess it's one of those thing we can't live without.

Brady Tucker said...

After the epileptic seizure subsided, I began to extract the meaning of this barrage of images and sound bites. When marketers from any of today's modern corporations look at our youth, they see dollar signs. They don't see young, impressionable humans that recieve a lot of their social conditioning from television and advertisements. I feel that there is a complete lack of morals involved in most t.v. programming these days. I agree that sex is the main weapon used to lure kids into buying useless shit. Clothing companies, t.v shows, fragrence ads, beer commercials, etc. are all guilty of using this tactic. These corporations wouldnt care if the youth all turned out to be Paris Hiltons and K-Feds, just so long as thier products sold. I agree with your analysis of our media crazed society, and I could write a whole paper venting my frustrations. Good clip and post; it is a great topic of which more people need to be more aware of today.

Chelsea said...

You seem to have a theme going on with your posts, that theme being the sex driven society we live in fueled by the media. Unfortunately, it is true that we as Americans are obsessed with sex, food, and what to buy next. I totally believe in subliminal advertising, and its insulting to me that we are thought of as brainless consumers by the big shots running the media that influences us. What is even more sad is that we rely on the media to get all of our information, and we as a society demand our information ten seconds ago, and as up to date as possible. It’s a downward slippery slope we are on, and its going to be a wild ride, haha.

nathanbos said...

Very well done. I agree that the majority of our lives are controlled by some sort of media, be it music, TV, or movies. I guess I just take this for granted now, and don’t usually think about it. It’s nice to see a video like this or read writing like yours to give me that little reminder of how much I plan my life out according to media. I really enjoy your writing style too; it’s very easy to read and keeps me interested. And on top of that the video had lots of flashing colors, I always like flashing colors.

Jordan Lopez said...

I think the unfortunate part is that a lot of us know that the media has a crazy agenda with us as consumers but most people don't care enough to stop giving into the "media addiction" or are in denial of just how much on a daily basis we are impacted. I liked the video because it was eye catching with fast images, quirky sounds, and an underlying satirical message that rings so true. I agree with your views but I am not sure that there is a concrete solution... it seems like that's just the way it is.

Chad Jordan said...

Im glad that you are aware of the power of media. Media has been used for years to negitivly impact peoples view. Look at how they try to do kids put commercials in schools to shape what they are going to buy. I so do belive that as long as peoole are aware of the power of media it is ok to watch whatever you want. I don't know if your aware that the goverment has made it illegal to show subliminal messagese like a quick glimpse of people haveing sex that you can only see sunlimally during Shoe commercial. I a'm Amexem so I know first hand of the impact of the media-a kid see's a white super hero on tv all day and thinks that is how a super hero should look-wrong. People have been trying to use media against Amexems as long as it has been around, along with everything else they could think of. I'm glad you are aware of the power of media.